Not sure how to calculate holiday pay for your employees?

Staff are entitled to a week’s pay for every week of statutory leave they take. Don’t fall foul of guesswork. Pay the correct amount for annual leave to avoid expensive court costs. Call us TODAY.

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Understanding holiday pay

Are All Staff Entitled to Paid Annual Leave?

The scale of the business is irrelevant when it comes to holiday pay. Whether you’re a large corporation or a small business with very few employees, your staff are entitled to paid leave for holidays.

Employer Advice has UK-based holiday pay specialists ready to take your call 24/7, with the answers you need—saving you time, money and worry.

We recommend these steps:

  1. Call us NOW for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with our experts to ensure your business is compliant.
  2.   We can offer a complimentary critique of your current documentation and go through any non compliance.
  3. (Optional): Book a free follow-up call if you have any further questions.
Call Us NOW for FREE Advice

Holiday Pay Explained

Common Holiday Pay and Holiday Leave Questions

a man in a greenhouse trying to work out holiday pay while talking to employer advice.

Are you faced with these questions or any others regarding holiday pay? Call our team today and let us assist with FREE advice based on the ACAS Code of Practice

Check out some of the questions we regularly receive:

  • How much annual leave are employees entitled to?
  • Do I have to pay my employees for bank holidays?
  • What do we need to pay employees while they are on holiday?
  • Is guaranteed overtime included in the calculation of holiday pay?
  • Does commission need to be included as part of holiday pay?
  • Can I pay an employee in lieu of holidays?
  • What is rolled-up holiday pay? Is it legal?
  • Are employees on long term sick leave and maternity entitled to annual leave?
  • Can employees carry over untaken annual leave?
  • What should I do if all my employees want to take time off at Christmas?
Call Us NOW for a FREE Advice

acas based advice

You Can Refuse a Holiday Request for a Wide Range of Reasons

a lady using a calculator.

Did you know that, as an employer, you retain the ability to approve or refuse holiday requests?

If you’re managing staff, you’ll no doubt have suffered with last-minute annual leave requests, more than one employee requesting leave at the same time or employees booking their hotel before a request has been approved.

We understand employers. That’s what makes us the professional’s choice when it comes to resolving your holiday pay challenges, 24/7.

Call Us NOW and get our ACAS compliant, FREE holiday refusal template.

Call Us NOW for FREE advice


Assisting Employers For More than 40 Years

Trying to calculate holiday pay can be a challenge for businesses of any size. If your business wants to better understand holiday pay and annual leave then why not speak to an expert?

Employer Advice’s experts have helped more than 14,000 UK businesses. We provide business owners with 24/7 expert advice on staff management, HR and employment law issue. We only give advice to employers, so you know we have your business’s best interests at heart.

Book your FREE 15-minute consultation TODAY

Employer advice only support Business Owners and decision makers with Acas code based advice. Get FREE advice today.

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