Employees may occasionally want to raise a grievance at work. As an employer, you must take this seriously. If a formal grievance process or complaints aren’t handled properly, you could face employment tribunal hearings and costly compensation to your employees. You should ensure that you follow the ACAS Code of Practice and handle complaints or concerns using a formal grievance procedure.
Our team of highly qualified specialists will guide you through grievance procedures amongst your staff. When it comes to dealing with individual or collective grievances, we can ensure that we support businesses like yours through the right process, ease the burden, and save you time, money, and worry. Our skilled advisors work with you to get grievances right and avoid a tribunal claim. We provide clear advice, considering all applicable outcomes.

Handling grievances correctly
What Are The Next Steps If My Employee Raises a Grievance?
Before moving to a formal grievance, it is essential for you to meet with your employee to understand and resolve any concerns they may have. Workplace grievances can range from bullying, harassment and discrimination to pay and benefits.
Our ACAS Code-Based Advisors are experts in giving clear and actionable advice on any grievance issues you may have. Get a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with our experts to ensure your process is lawful. Following your consultation, you can also choose to book a free follow-up call if you have any further questions relating to grievances.
Speak to our advisors TODAY to help you tackle grievances effectively.
Stay Compliant During Grievance Procedures
Grievance Advice For Employers
A grievance can be a complaint, concern, or problem that employees raise to their employer. These concerns can relate to the working environment, working conditions and/or conduct. If an employee believes your actions to be unfair, they can raise a grievance at any time.
If you employ or manage staff your business should have a grievance procedure outlined in the company handbook or HR manual. But if you don’t have one, your employee can refer to the ACAS Code of Practice process or speak to Employer Advice for bespoke advice on how to handle the situation, tailored to business owners and employers.
Check out some of the questions we get on grievance procedure:
- Is it ok to handle a grievance informally?
- What do I do if my staff raise a collective grievance?
- If my employee doesn’t submit a written grievance can I still be taken to tribunal?
- Who should deal with an employee grievance?
- Who should deal with an employee grievance?
- What format is a grievance meeting?
- Am I obligated to deal with a grievance raised by an ex-employee?
Call Employer Advice Today
Free Advice On Workplace Grievances
When you’re dealing with a grievance there is no legally binding process to follow. That can be tricky when you’re trying to stay legally compliant. Concerns, problems and complaints are commonplace in any business and if an employee formally raises a grievance you should adhere to certain principles.
If you haven’t got a grievance procedure in writing or a formal grievance process, then you’re leaving yourself open to litigation. Whenever you’re in doubt, Employer Advice are on hand to provide a FREE sense check.
Assisting Employers For More than 40 Years
If an informal chat with an employee about their concerns, problems or complaints hasn’t resolved an issue then you may have to go down the route of a formal grievance.
Employer Advice can help with 24/7 advice on grievances.
Book your FREE 15-minute consultation TODAY
Employer advice only support Business Owners and decision makers with Acas code based advice. Get FREE advice today.