Looking for a Compliant Employment Contract?

Poorly written employment contracts can be as risky as no contract at all. Your employees should have one from their first day. Call TODAY to check your contracts and other documentation.

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Get contracts right

Make sure your employees have correct contracts

From the very first day an employee begins a role they are legally entitled to a statement of main terms. If you’re unsure, speak to an expert consultant at Employer Advice and avoid costly litigation.

We recommend these steps:

  1. Call us NOW for a 15-minute phone consultation with our experts to ensure the contract is lawful.
  2.   We can offer a complimentary critique of your current documentation and go through any non compliance.
  3. (Optional): Book a free follow-up call if you have any further questions.
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Common Employment Contract Questions

What should be included in an employment contract?

a business owner looking at employment contracts

Are you faced with these questions or any others regarding employment contracts? Call our team today and let us assist with FREE advice based on the ACAS code of practice.

Check out some of the questions we regularly receive:

  • Do I have to provide my staff with a contract?
  • How soon after employing someone do I have to give a statement of particulars?
  • What terms must a written statement of terms include?
  • Should I put grievance and disciplinary policies into an employment contract?
  • Can I insert non-compete clauses into an employment contract?
  • When is a zero-hours contract suitable?
  • In what ways can I protect my business when one of my employees leave?
  • How much notice do I have to give my employees?
  • Can I require my employee to work more than 48 hours per week?
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acas based advice

Is there a free employment, ACAS compliant, contract template?

Employers must understand when employees need to receive an employment contract and what needs to be included.  Employer Advice offers a free contract of employment template for you to use. Once downloaded, you will need to know how to implement it so we advise getting in touch. We can help on all issues regarding contracts, whether simple or complicated and help you to avoid costly tribunals.

Stay compliant: call us NOW and get our free contract of employment template.

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Assisting Employers For More than 40 Years

Knowing what to include in an employment contract to give you maximum legal protection can be tricky. If you’re guessing, you’re potentially risking paying out thousands in compensation.

Employer Advice’s experts have helped more than 14,000 UK businesses. We can offer contract templates and advice on your documentation.

Book your FREE 15-minute consultation TODAY

Employer advice only support Business Owners and decision makers with Acas code based advice. Get FREE advice today.

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