Sickness Absence Policy for Employers

Sickness absence is a very common reason for employees to be absent from work. As an employer, you need to ensure you have a clear sickness absence reporting procedure and sickness absence policy. Ill health can impact your workforce at any time. The key to effective management is ensuring you look at sickness absence levels...

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Paul Gill
By: Paul Gill
September 18, 2024
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Sickness absence is a very common reason for employees to be absent from work. As an employer, you need to ensure you have a clear sickness absence reporting procedure and sickness absence policy.

Ill health can impact your workforce at any time. The key to effective management is ensuring you look at sickness absence levels in your business and work to improve attendance levels where possible.

Employer Advice has a free sickness absence policy template to help provide employees with a clear framework for sick leave.

Read on for advice on sickness absence and tips on managing absence in your business. For more immediate support, why not contact our expert team at Employer Advice.

an employer managing sickness absence in the workplace.

What happens in short term sickness absence?

Short term sickness absence can be defined as any sickness absence lasting less than one month in duration. The biggest impact you can make in your overall absence management is in this area, simply because it is the most common.

Your sickness absence policy needs to lay out exactly how short-term sickness absence will be managed in your business. This should include an overview of areas such as:

How should an absence be certified?

Employees can be required to provide certification for their sickness absence. Normally, self-certification is acceptable for an absence up to 7 days in duration. For absences over 7 days, you should ask for medical evidence. This is called a “doctor’s fit note”.

Despite the name, fit notes can be provided by a GP, nurse, occupational health professional, pharmacist, or physiotherapist, who are operating in a general practice setting. The fit note just sets out the dates that the note applies, whether the employee is not fit for work or fit but only if adjustments are put in place (and it might set out what those adjustments might be).

an employee requiring a sick note while at their computer.

How should an employee notify me of sick leave?

Your sickness absence policy should indicate how your staff need to notify you if they are unable to attend work. Ill health is normally something reactive, so your business should be equipped. Let employees know:

  • Who do they need to inform?
  • How should they inform that person? I.e. via phone, SMS, WhatsApp.
  • In what time frame are they required to inform you?
  • What information are they expected to disclose?

The health and wellbeing of your staff is paramount to your business performance so there is a genuine need to get this right.

Do I need to conduct return to work meetings?

The short answer here is, yes. Return to work meetings are a key component in reporting sickness absence. Unfortunately, many employers overlook this in instances of short term sickness absence. Regular short term sickness absence can be indicative of a bigger issue. You need to consider the impact on your business and the employee’s work.

Return to work meetings are a way of asking the employee to account for their absence in a structured and supportive way.

Typically, a return to work interview will include:

  • The reason for the absence.
  • Any underlying health and wellbeing issues that could cause regular absences.
  • Confirmation from both employee and employer that they are fit to return to work.
  • Any support services that can be offered.
  • Any reasonable adjustments that need to be made.
  • Any other issues the manager should be aware of.
  • An overview of any work that has been missed during their absence.

Once the interview has been concluded it is important that you file the notes appropriately.

an employee who has gone on sick leave while putting a note on their desk.

Using the Bradford Factor for short term sickness absence

Regular sickness absence can be problematic. So much so, there are instances where it can be grounds for dismissing an employee. Your sickness absence policy can make note of the fact your business uses the Bradford Factor calculation for this eventuality, but there isn’t a requirement for using the Bradford factor.

If you’re looking at how you’re reporting sickness absence, then it is good practice to use this equation:

Bradford formula S2 x D = B,

Number of times absent squared, multiplied by the total number of days absent (frequency x frequency x total number of days absent)


  • S indicates the total number of separate absences for the worker.
  • D indicates the total number of days of absence for the same individual.
  • B indicates the Bradford Factor.

The score is a practical and data-driven approach to analysing absence levels. You can use the score to interpret sickness absence levels and evaluate individual circumstances.

The score can be viewed as follows:

  • 0 points means no concern.
  • 51 points means informal verbal warning/discussion with the employee where improvements are suggested.
  • 201 points means a written warning given.
  • 401 points means a final written warning can be given. Although this is cumulative, they need to build up to 401 points before the written warning can be issued.
  • 601 means you can dismiss the employee after the above warnings have been given and they continue to accumulate absences.

Although it is down to your individual business to decide what point of absence levels become unacceptable and disciplinary action is required. The target should be amended to suit individual organisations requirements.

Once you have your calculation, use it to analyse how absenteeism is affecting your business.

What happens in long-term sickness absence?

Long-term sickness absence can be defined as any sickness absence lasting more than one month in duration.

This kind of ill health can be due to a variety of things, including:

  • Unexpected illness.
  • A chronic condition.
  • An accident or planned operation.

Employers must make sure you manage long-term sickness absence in a sensitive manner. Ensure there is a formal review period and look at medical reports to see how you can offer appropriate support.

an employee on non working days whos ill and needs to take sick leave when they go back to work.

Adapting to long-term sickness absence

In many cases, it can be difficult to adapt to a situation where your employee is unwell for a long time. Clearly, this can place a financial burden on a small business, and it can be difficult to arrange cover for the absent employee.

What must be avoided, however, is the urge to make any decision like dismissing the employee, but it must be fair. This could potentially leave you open to discrimination claims.

What should I avoid with long-term sickness absence?

In order to manage long-term sickness absence effectively you should ensure that your sickness absence policy is robust. A dismissal isn’t out of the question, but you need to follow a fair process. Consider the following:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation and get an understanding of the reasons for the extended sick leave.
  • Consider making any reasonable adjustments to accommodate the employee (such as home working).
  • Request medical evidence and ensure this is added to the employee’s human resources file.
  • Consider offering support services such as EAP.
  • Ensure that you don’t victimise your employee and make them feel guilty.
  • If formal action is taken, conduct a meeting with your employee to consider anything new they have to say, even if what they say will require you to investigate further or obtain new medical evidence.

Make sure that any detrimental impact on your business is obvious and doesn’t need to be elaborated on.

There are numerous ways to support a long-term sick employee via things like a phased return to work or risk assessments. Seek further advice if you are unsure.

absence related to sick leave in a jigsaw puzzel

What categories are there for sickness absence?

Although not exhaustive, here are some of the common reasons your employees may need to be off work sick:

  • Asthma, bronchitis, and respiratory.
  • Back pain, sprain, strain, and musculoskeletal.
  • Blood conditions.
  • Cancer and malignancy.
  • Cold, flu, and other infectious diseases.
  • Debility and fatigue.
  • Ear, nose, and throat.
  • Dental issues.
  • Eye or ophthalmic.
  • Genito-urinary.
  • Gynecological or pregnancy related.
  • Headache, migraine or neurological.
  • Heart or cardiovascular.
  • Menopause or perimenopause.
  • Skin or dermatological.
  • Stomach, bowel, gastric or intestinal.
  • Stress, depression, anxiety or other psychological problems.

Disabled employees shouldn’t be treated less favorably, sickness rules might need to be adapted, there’s an obligation to provide reasonable adjustments.

an employee who has told her line manager that they are sick with a doctors note.

Should I pay employees statutory sick pay?

Qualifying employees may be entitled to SSP (statutory sick pay). Outline the qualifying criteria in your sickness absence policy. Regardless of whether your staff are full or part-time employees, sick pay is payable to eligible employees who are off work for at least four days (continuously).

Statutory Sick Pay rates are reviewed annually, in April, and there is normally an increase. Ensure that your sickness absence policy is updated regularly to factor this in.

There is the statutory SSP which is the minimum but organisation’s can have contractual sick pay if they want to offer more than the statutory minimum. One common mistake employers make is trying to force your employees to take annual leave during a sickness absence.

Also remember, when you think about reporting sickness absence, you can’t count a day as a sick day if an employee has worked for a minute or more before they go home sick.

SSP is paid for up to 28 weeks in any period of incapacity for work (or linked periods of incapacity). Employees must earn at least the lower earnings limit £123 based on the 8 weeks before they became sick.

How to manage ill health

Ill health is a leading cause of absenteeism in your workplace. Your aim as an employer will always be to reduce absence levels, so it’s worth considering how you can do this.

Offer mental health and wellbeing support to your employees

Regular absences in your business due to sickness could be down to employees’ mental health. Work related stress can be a huge contributor to short term sickness absence. It’s very difficult for an employer to recognise the signs, particularly when all it takes is self-certification.

You may want to consider implementing an EAP (employee assistance programme) in your organisation to help look at trigger points and reduce absences. An EAP includes various support services for employees suffering with poor mental health.

Look at your workplace health & safety

The health and safety of your employees is paramount. By law, you are required to protect your staff, and if you are experiencing high absence levels due to sickness it may be to do with exposure to harmful materials in the workplace.

You are responsible for COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations) which means controlling your employees’ exposure to materials that could cause ill health.

Trigger points include things like:

  • Dusts.
  • Gases.
  • Fumes.
  • Liquids.
  • Gels or powders.
  • Harmful micro-organisms.

Ill health can arise if employees are exposed to harmful substances in anything from paints and cleaners to flour dust, solder fumes, blood or waste.

Ensure that you find out what health hazards exist in your workplace and decide how to prevent harm to those in close contact. Your business should have control measures and there should be a risk assessment.

Consider absence management software

As well as using the Bradford Factor to help with absence management, you could consider integrated software.

Use of digital tools can be beneficial to help you spot patterns in sickness absence and better manage any disruption to your business.

Is there a free sickness absence policy template?

With so much to consider when running a business, it can be easy to overlook a sickness absence policy. Employer Advice is on hand to support this area with a free downloadable template for your sickness absence policy and procedure.

an line manager carrying out an employee return to work.

How can Employer Advice help with sickness absence?

Employer Advice is an advice service dedicated to supporting UK businesses. We only offer support to employers so you can be assured that we uphold your organisation’s best interests.

If you have challenges in your business with sickness absence, then why not contact our team of dedicated human resources and employment law experts or download our free sickness absence policy and procedure template.

With over 40 years of experience in helping employers take the stress of handling their HR and employment law obligations. Get in touch with one of the Employer Advice experts on 0800 470 3529.

More About
Paul Gill
Paul is one of Employer Advice's business consultants, specialising in employment law and HR.

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