Need to Understand Flexible Working?

Flexible working needs to be formalised by changes to an employee’s contract. All employees have the right to make flexible working requests. Call Employer Advice TODAY for help with flexible working arrangements.

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Actionable advice on flexible working

How to deal with flexible working requests

As an employer, you are required to deal with flexible working requests in a ‘reasonable manner’. This means you need to assess each request on merit and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each application. There should also be a clear process in place for flexible working requests, which will mean holding a meeting to discuss the request with the employee and offering an appeal process.

Our team of specialists can ensure that you follow the correct procedure, saving you time and money.

We recommend these steps:

  1. Call us NOW for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with our experts to ensure your process is lawful.
  2.   We can offer a complimentary critique of your current documentation and go through any non compliance.
  3. (Optional): Book a free follow-up call if you have any further questions
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Understanding Flexible Working Requests

Do I Have to Allow a Flexible Working Request?

a mother and child working from home.

If you’ve got staff who are looking for a job-sharing arrangement, working from home, working part-time, doing compressed hours, annualised hours, or even phased retirement, it’s important to deal with the situation correctly. Employer Advice provides telephone-based advice, 24/7, 365 days a year to employers on zero-hours employment. The role of Employer Advice is to keep your business safe and legally compliant.

Our team of specialists can ensure that you follow the correct procedure, saving you time and money.

  • Who can request flexible working?
  • Is it a legal requirement to allow employees to work flexibly?
  • How can I accommodate a flexible working request?
  • Is there a process that must be followed to request flexible working?
  • Can an employer allow some employees to work flexibly but not others?
  • Is there a health and safety assessment required by HSE for flexible working?
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Flexible working explained

What Happens if I Don't Handle a Flexible Working Request Properly?

employer advice team member advising

In the event that an employer doesn’t handle a flexible working request fairly or in a reasonable manner, the employee may well have a case to take you to a tribunal. Employers can refuse an application, however they must be able to show a good business reason for doing so.

Failure to understand your obligations or the rights of your employees can leave your business open to costly litigation. If you’re guessing, you’re taking a risk.

IF you employ or manage staff and you’re currently handling flexible working requests, why not call us to get our comprehensive guide to flexible working to reduce stress and worry.

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Assisting Employers For More than 40 Years

Flexible working requests are extremely commonplace as we adapt to new working environments, so you need to know your obligations. On top of staying compliant, you want your business to adapt to a changing employment landscape.

Employer Advice understand the challenges when you’re employing or managing staff. We can assist with all issues, whether simple or complicated and help you avoid costly tribunals.

Book your FREE 15-minute consultation TODAY

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